About Channing Chasten

Channing Chasten, was born in Cleveland, Ohio where he was introduced to soccer at the age of four. From a young age, Channing had a different mindset than the other kids his age, especially when it came to his dreams, especially soccer. His desire to succeed and mantra centered on one key element, daily improvement. Since kindergarten, Channing participated in club soccer. His athletic talent secured an offer to play college soccer and his academic performance in school earned him a full academic scholarship.

Channing played soccer at The Ohio State University and graduated in May of 2023 with a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Analysis and Engagement. He is now a professional soccer player fulfilling one of his childhood dreams. He has always had a passion for helping young children and wants to be a role model for kids chasing their dreams. This yearning was the driving force behind his book, The 1% Kid.